2021 San Diego Innovation Showcase
The San Diego Innovation Council (SDIC) presents the 5th Annual San Diego Innovation Showcase, connecting academic research-based startups with angel and venture capital investors, corporate and IP attorneys, collaborators and the innovation community.
The virtual showcase celebrates and features the diversity of entrepreneurial activities and the strong startup spirit from San Diego and its surrounding areas.
The 5th Annual San Diego Innovation Showcase
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM PDT
10:00 AM Welcome - Rubén Flores-Saaib, President SDIC
10:05 AM Opening Remarks - San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria
10:15 AM Success Stories - Occuspace - Nic Halverson, CEO
10:45 AM Transition to startup presentations
11:00 AM Concurrent startup presentations: Cleantech / Life Sciences / High Tech
1:00 PM Panel discussion - Status and future of San Diego academic-based innovation - Paul Roben, AVC Innovation and Commercialization, UCSD, Tim Keane, Dean of the School of Business, USD and other San Diego academic leaders.
Startups apply to present here
Early stage company technologies based on research from Southern California research institutes and universities, or affiliated with non-academic SDIC members can apply to present at the Innovation Showcase.
- Company must be affiliated with an academic research center or university in at least one of the following ways:
(a) A license to intellectual property.
(b) Enrolled in an incubator or accelerator program.
(c) Collaborating in research or to validate/test a business model. - Alternatively, Company must be currently enrolled in any program provided by one of the non-academic SDIC members.
- Company is seeking investment, partnerships or talent to grow its business.
- It is expected that the Company will be incorporated at the time of the presentation on November 10.
Limited submissions for poster presentations available in late October
Limited space will be available in October to present posters featuring research with potential commercial.
- Any poster submission must have a valid invention disclosure with an academic research center.
Preference will be given to research posters based from investigators affiliated with Southern California Research and Academic Centers.
Please be on the look out for updates to submit your poster presentation.
November 10, 2021 at 10:00am - 2pm