Looking for a Co-Founder!
Hello there! Solo technical founder here.
I am a former engineer, former local government sustainability planner piloting a community-scale organics waste management solution. My proof-of-concept facility has been successful so far and we're coming out of the R&D phase to lots of different entities interested in partnering.
I am in need of someone to come in, potentially at the co-founder level, to help bring this company to scale. I am a classic visionary: thinking months & years down the line and dropping the ball on the day-to-day tasks (my employees are kind enough to deal with it, but it could be better). I come from a technical background but have the social skills to excel at creating the big picture partnerships and closing major clients. I flounder when determining how to price our product, managing the labor teams, making sure admin tasks are done properly, etc.
I am looking for someone to come onboard who is an operational jack-of-all-trades. Likely an experienced COO/CFO, extremely organized, excited about the details, interested in social / sustainability ventures and unpopular industries (hello waste management), talented financial analyst, good at managing teams on daily tasks, interested in joining a piloted company pre-seed on a sweat-equity basis until landing the seed round (aiming for beg. of Q4 this year). Able to work with a visionary-type as described above :)
If interested, please shoot me an email with your resume & statement of interest: [email protected]
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